On Saturday, June 2, I leave Portland for France. I’ll arrive in Paris and take the TGV (bullet train) down to Montpellier, in the very South of France. There I’ll meet my sister Betsy, who has been studying art for the past year at the university. She’s done with her year, so she and I will explore Southern France and Italy for a little over two weeks. We’ll leave from Rome on June 19th and come back to Portland.
I’m really excited about this trip. I haven’t been to France in a long time, and never this part of it. It’s a perfect time to go, I’ll be with a fluent speaker (I took French in high school and minored in it in college, but I’ve very rusty), and I’m old enough this time that I don’t need a chaperone and can go off and have fun. I’m going to take tons of pictures and have a great time while I’m gone. I’ll probably still be able to check my email, and I’ll even have a phone while I’m there (ask me for the number if you need it).